Chapter 11: Information System
Information system is a computer based information system that collect and use the data for organization present or future activities. There are 4 types of information systems that common use in an organization.
1. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
- system that collect, store the transaction data and process it.
- this system will record daily transaction and process it real time or collect the data for certain period of time then only process it in batch.
- the most common example real time transaction processing for that happen in our life is Automated Teller Machine (ATM) transaction.
- when we take money from ATM, directly the bank will record our transaction and then deduct the amount of money in our accounts.
- the batch processing is doing by bank when it want to generate report of cash in or out in a certain week or certain month.
- this process is hide from public like you and me.
- this system only record the transaction information and is a basic for an organization and this information will help in decision making by higher management in an organization.
2. Management Information System (MIS)
- this system will summarize all the data from Transaction Processing System.
3. Decision Support System (DSS)
- is a tool for analyzing data and help in decision making by providing useful data for a manager in organization.
4. Executive Support System (ESS)/ Executive Information System (EIS)
- as we know, executive is a high position in an organization and is a busy person.
- normally this system is use for executive and will present a report in graphic form.
- this will easier the executive to read the report by just viewing the graphic such as bar chart, pie chart that show the percentage in report but not full with text.
Example for Executive Support System (ESS)
- So popular, expanded to managers, analysts and other knowledge workers
- E.g., Firms with an EIS designed to maintain managers' "mental models" were less effective than firms with an EIS designed to build or enhance managers' knowledge (Vandenbosch and Huff (1992).
March 27, 2011 at 10:25 PM